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Hello, there! I think you are new here.
Before starting our journey, let me introduce myself.
My name is Viola, but I'm Purpleisweird on social media. As my username suggests, I like to think I'm weird, out of the box. And I have a hint you might be just like me.
I'm a full-time dreamer and a part-time creator.
They say we can only succeed on the internet if we have a niche, I say that it would be an insult to limit myself to a specific field.
Labels never fit me and never will. 
My website reflects the big mess my head is, and I hope you will feel at home here.
I can't wait to share my life with you, and I hope you will share yours too in the comments.
Enough talking, on board!


List of the most original and unique boys names for books and stories

Writer's picture: PurpleisweirdPurpleisweird

Updated: Aug 18, 2017

  1. Aaron

  2. Abe

  3. Abernathy

  4. Abraham

  5. Ace

  6. Achel

  7. Adam

  8. Adolf

  9. Adrian

  10. Afton

  11. Aiden

  12. Alan

  13. Albus

  14. Alden

  15. Alec

  16. Alex

  17. Alexander

  18. Alfred

  19. Alfredo

  20. Alvin

  21. Amar

  22. Amory

  23. Amos

  24. Anakin

  25. Anders

  26. Andi

  27. Andrew

  28. Andrus

  29. Andy

  30. Angel

  31. Angelo

  32. Anthony

  33. Antonio

  34. Aodhan

  35. Aragorn

  36. Archie

  37. Ares

  38. Ari

  39. Arkin

  40. Arlo

  41. Arnold

  42. Aro

  43. Art

  44. Artemus

  45. Arterious

  46. Arthur

  47. Artie

  48. Arya

  49. Ash

  50. Ashar

  51. Asher

  52. Atin

  53. Attila

  54. Aurelian

  55. Austin

  56. Avery

  57. Balthazar

  58. Barney

  59. Barry

  60. Bart

  61. Bartemaus

  62. Bartholomew

  63. Beck

  64. Ben

  65. Beni

  66. Benjamin

  67. Benny

  68. Bernard

  69. Biff

  70. Bill

  71. Blaise

  72. Blake

  73. Blaze

  74. Bob

  75. Bobby

  76. Bobert

  77. Boden

  78. Booth

  79. Brad

  80. Bradley

  81. Bradly

  82. Brady

  83. Brandol

  84. Brandon

  85. Braxton

  86. Brendan

  87. Brennan

  88. Brent

  89. Brett

  90. Brian

  91. Brice

  92. Brock

  93. Brody

  94. Brooks

  95. Bruce

  96. Bruno

  97. Buba

  98. Burt

  99. Butch

  100. Buzz

  101. Byron

  102. Caius

  103. Caleb

  104. Calvin

  105. Caractacus

  106. Carey

  107. Carl

  108. Carlisle

  109. Carlos

  110. Carlton

  111. Carson

  112. Carter

  113. Casey

  114. Caymon

  115. Cedric

  116. Chad

  117. Chadwick

  118. Chandler

  119. Charles

  120. Charlie

  121. Chase

  122. Chester

  123. Chief

  124. Chip

  125. Chris

  126. Christan

  127. Christopher

  128. Chuck

  129. Cito

  130. Clark

  131. Clayton

  132. Clem

  133. Cliff

  134. Clive

  135. Clyde

  136. Clydeon

  137. Coda

  138. Cody

  139. Cole

  140. Colin

  141. Collin

  142. Colton

  143. Connacht

  144. Connor

  145. Conor

  146. Corey

  147. Cormac

  148. Cory

  149. Creig

  150. Curtis

  151. Curtis/Kurt

  152. Cyrus

  153. Dakota

  154. Dale

  155. Dallas

  156. Damien

  157. Dan

  158. Daniel

  159. Danny

  160. Darrel

  161. Darren

  162. Darrow

  163. Dashiell

  164. Dave

  165. David

  166. Davidson

  167. Dean

  168. Declan

  169. Denis

  170. Dennis

  171. Derek

  172. Desmond

  173. Devan

  174. Devin

  175. Devon

  176. Dexter

  177. Dick

  178. Dickenson

  179. Diego

  180. Digby

  181. Dimitri

  182. Dirk

  183. Don

  184. Donald

  185. Donny

  186. Doug

  187. Douglas

  188. Draco

  189. Drake

  190. Drew

  191. Duce

  192. Duke

  193. Dukey

  194. Duncan

  195. Dustin

  196. Dwain

  197. Dwayne

  198. Dwight

  199. Dylan

  200. E.J.

  201. Eben

  202. Ebenezer

  203. Ed

  204. Eddie

  205. Edgar

  206. Edward

  207. Edwin

  208. Eine

  209. Eirion

  210. Eli

  211. Elias

  212. Elijah

  213. Elis

  214. Elliot

  215. Elvis

  216. Embry

  217. Emeril

  218. Emmanuel

  219. Emmett

  220. Epsilon

  221. Eran

  222. Eric

  223. Ernest

  224. Ernie

  225. Ethan

  226. Eugine

  227. Evan

  228. Even

  229. Ezra

  230. Fabio

  231. Fang

  232. Farrow

  233. Felix

  234. Ferb

  235. Fernando

  236. Fi

  237. Fido

  238. Flick

  239. Florian

  240. Fnick

  241. Ford

  242. Frank

  243. Frankie

  244. Franklin

  245. Fransisco

  246. Fred

  247. Frederick

  248. Fredrick

  249. Fredward

  250. Frith

  251. Fritz

  252. Gabe

  253. Garfield

  254. Garrett

  255. Gary

  256. Geoff/Jeff

  257. Geoffrey

  258. George

  259. Geric

  260. Geston

  261. Gibbs

  262. Gideon

  263. Gilbert

  264. Giles

  265. Glenn

  266. Gordon

  267. Graham

  268. Grant

  269. Greg

  270. Gregory

  271. Greyson

  272. Grover

  273. Gus

  274. Guy

  275. Gwydon

  276. Hades

  277. Ham

  278. Hamilton

  279. Hank

  280. Hans

  281. Harley

  282. Harold

  283. Harrison

  284. Harry

  285. Harvey

  286. Heidi

  287. Henry

  288. Heracles

  289. Heraules

  290. Hilden

  291. Hobbs

  292. House

  293. Howard

  294. Hue

  295. Hugo

  296. Hunter

  297. Ian

  298. Ichabod

  299. Iggy

  300. Ignis

  301. Indy

  302. Inigo

  303. Isaac

  304. Isaiah

  305. Issac

  306. Ivan

  307. Ivor

  308. Jabba

  309. Jack

  310. Jackie

  311. Jackson

  312. Jacob

  313. Jacque

  314. Jacques

  315. Jaime

  316. Jamal

  317. James

  318. Jameson

  319. Jamie

  320. Jango

  321. Jansen

  322. Jared

  323. Jason

  324. Jasper

  325. Java

  326. Jay

  327. Jay/J

  328. Jeb

  329. Jeff

  330. Jeffery

  331. Jenga

  332. Jeremiah

  333. Jeremy

  334. Jerold/Gerold

  335. Jerome

  336. Jesse

  337. Jessie

  338. Jesus

  339. Jesús

  340. Jet

  341. Jethro

  342. Jim

  343. Jiminy

  344. Jimmy

  345. Jodie

  346. Joe

  347. Joel

  348. Joey

  349. John

  350. Johnathan

  351. Johnny

  352. Jonathan

  353. Jordan

  354. Joseph

  355. Josh

  356. Joshua

  357. Juan

  358. Jude

  359. Julio

  360. Justin

  361. Juves

  362. Kaleb/Caleb

  363. Kareem

  364. Karman

  365. Kaysan

  366. Keith

  367. Kellan

  368. Kelton

  369. Ken

  370. Kenikie

  371. Kenneth

  372. Kenny

  373. Kermit

  374. Kevin

  375. King

  376. Kirk

  377. Kit

  378. Kodi

  379. Kurt

  380. Kyle

  381. Lance

  382. Landon

  383. Larry

  384. Laurence

  385. Laurent

  386. Lawrence

  387. Lee

  388. Leigh/Lee

  389. Leo

  390. Leonard

  391. Leorarda

  392. Leroy

  393. Lester

  394. Lewis

  395. Lineus

  396. Lionel

  397. Llewellyn

  398. Logan

  399. Loki

  400. Loren

  401. Lou

  402. Louis

  403. Lucius

  404. Luke

  405. Lumiere

  406. Lyle

  407. Mable

  408. Mac

  409. Mani

  410. Marcello

  411. Marco

  412. Marcus

  413. Mark

  414. Marko

  415. Marlin

  416. Mars

  417. Martin

  418. Marty

  419. Marvin

  420. Mashall

  421. Mason

  422. Matt

  423. Matteus

  424. Matthew

  425. Maurice

  426. Max

  427. Maximilien

  428. Maximillian

  429. Maximum

  430. Maximus

  431. Mellmer

  432. Melvin

  433. Mercutio

  434. Merlin

  435. Michael

  436. Miguel

  437. Mikey

  438. Miles

  439. Miller

  440. Milo

  441. Mitch

  442. Mitchal

  443. Mongo

  444. Monjewl

  445. Morice

  446. Mortimer

  447. Moses

  448. Murphy

  449. Napoleon

  450. Nathan

  451. Nathaniel

  452. Nathen

  453. Ned

  454. Neil

  455. Nelson

  456. Neo

  457. Neutron

  458. Nicholas

  459. Nick

  460. Nigel

  461. Nike

  462. Noah

  463. Nolan

  464. Norbert

  465. Norman

  466. Norvell

  467. Oliver

  468. Omar

  469. Orvelle

  470. Oscar

  471. Oswald

  472. Otis

  473. Owen

  474. Oz

  475. Paris

  476. Parker

  477. Pat

  478. Patrick

  479. Paul

  480. Peak

  481. Pedro

  482. Peirre

  483. Penochio

  484. Perceus

  485. Percivell

  486. Percy

  487. Perry

  488. Pete

  489. Peter

  490. Phill

  491. Phillip

  492. Phineas

  493. Pluto

  494. Posidon

  495. Press

  496. Prince

  497. Puss

  498. Pyro

  499. Quill

  500. Quillen

  501. Quincy

  502. Quinn

  503. Quinton

  504. Rad

  505. Rafferty

  506. Ralph

  507. Ramsey

  508. Ramón

  509. Randall

  510. Randy

  511. Raoul

  512. Raphael

  513. Ray

  514. Raymond

  515. Reese

  516. Reginald

  517. Remus

  518. Reneaux

  519. Reuben

  520. Ricardo

  521. Richard

  522. Rick

  523. Ricky

  524. Riko

  525. Ringo

  526. Rio

  527. River (unisex)

  528. Robbie

  529. Robby

  530. Robert

  531. Robin

  532. Rocky

  533. Rodney

  534. Roger

  535. Roggie

  536. Roiben

  537. Rolland

  538. Roman

  539. Romeo

  540. Ron

  541. Ronald

  542. Ronnie

  543. Rosen

  544. Ross

  545. Rover

  546. Roy

  547. Rupert

  548. Ruphus/Rufus

  549. Russel

  550. Russell

  551. Rusty

  552. Ryan

  553. Ryder

  554. Ryenie

  555. Saber

  556. Sabine

  557. Safron

  558. Sal

  559. Sam

  560. Sammy

  561. Samson

  562. Samuel

  563. Sarron

  564. Saul

  565. Schroder

  566. Scoobert

  567. Scooby

  568. Scooter

  569. Scorpious

  570. Scott

  571. Scrappy

  572. Seamus

  573. Sean

  574. Sebastian

  575. Seelie

  576. Seth

  577. Severus

  578. Seymour

  579. Shaggy

  580. Shane

  581. Shawn

  582. Shay

  583. Shayok

  584. Shelby

  585. Sheldon

  586. Sherlock

  587. Shermqy

  588. Shirkan

  589. Shole

  590. Shrek

  591. Sid

  592. Sidney

  593. Simon

  594. Sirius

  595. Skyler (unisex)

  596. Smith

  597. Soma

  598. Sonny

  599. Sorren

  600. Spader

  601. Spencer

  602. Stan

  603. Stanley

  604. Stefan

  605. Stephan

  606. Steve

  607. Steven

  608. Stewart

  609. Stuart

  610. Surly

  611. Sy/Si

  612. Sylvester

  613. Syron

  614. Syrono

  615. Talon

  616. Tannon

  617. Tannu

  618. Taran

  619. Tatsuya

  620. Taylor

  621. Ted

  622. Teddy

  623. Tepaul

  624. Terence

  625. Theirry

  626. Theo

  627. Theodore

  628. Therrin

  629. Thomas

  630. Thomson/Tomson

  631. Thor

  632. Tim

  633. Timothy

  634. Tiron

  635. Titan

  636. Toby

  637. Todd

  638. Tom

  639. Tom/Thom

  640. Tommy

  641. Tony

  642. Torn

  643. Travis

  644. Trent

  645. Trenton

  646. Trevor

  647. Trey

  648. Tristan

  649. Troy

  650. Tucker

  651. Tybalt

  652. Tyler

  653. Ulysses

  654. Van

  655. Vexen

  656. Vicktor

  657. Victor

  658. Vigo

  659. Vince

  660. Vincent

  661. Vo

  662. Walker

  663. Wallace

  664. Wally

  665. Walter

  666. Ward

  667. Warner

  668. Watson

  669. Wayne

  670. Wendall

  671. Wilber

  672. Will

  673. Willem

  674. Willhelm

  675. William

  676. Willson

  677. Willy

  678. Winston

  679. Woody

  680. Wyatt

  681. Xander/Zander

  682. Xavier

  683. Xzavier

  684. Yancy

  685. Yoda

  686. Yves

  687. Zachariah

  688. Zack

  689. Zeek

  690. Zephyr

  691. Zero

  692. Zues

Have you used one of these names for your characters?

Is your favorite boys' name missing?

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